
Network of Writers and Artists Code of Performance and Ethics

NOWA members shall hold themselves to high professional standards. Members and associate members pledge to:

  • Honor all business agreements with their clients and other NOWA members.
  • Notify their clients immediately if a business agreement becomes impossible to fulfill and offer alternate solutions and/or referrals when possible.
  • Execute all projects with the highest quality service of which they are capable
  • Truthfully represent their professional abilities, experience and availability.
  • Give credit for work done or ideas conceived of by others.
  • Respect the confidentiality of information shared with them by their clients or NOWA members.
  • Refrain from seeking out clients and/or projects of other NOWA members.
  • Work cooperatively to subcontract with each other and refer contacts to each other. To this end, NOWA members shall not intentionally seek out client(s) and/or projects of other NOWA members.
  • Accept long-term projects from a single client provided he/she retains tax status as a self-employed individual or incorporated business.

Members and associate members may lose their NOWA membership if they fail to adhere to this Code of Performance and Ethics. The NOWA Executive Board shall be responsible for interpreting adherence to this code.